To further expand the reach and impact of our charitable service, we continue to forge new partnerships with organisations around the world.
We are delighted to report that we have recently secured the support of increasingly significant strategic partners who are keen and able to help us continue to expand provision, maintain and improve quality standards and generally help out in all manner of practical ways:
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- The American Clinical Neurophysiology Society (ACNS) through their President Dr Cecil Hahn has reported that at their council meeting in September a great deal of enthusiasm was expressed for TeleEEG and consequently they have formed a new Global Health Outreach Task Force and we have started the process of engagement with this team. We very much look forward to finalizing details and arrangements by February 2020 for their next Conference. The ACNS has 1,300 members of which 200 are emeritus and 1,000 are physicians interpreting EEGs.
We sincerely thank Dr Adrian Fowles, TeleEEG Volunteer and President of the British Society for Clinical Neurophysiology, for championing us with colleagues around the world including the ACNS.
- The Global Organisation for Health Education (GOHE) is a US based charity with a comprehensive specialist online training platform, a wealth of development assets and US authorized certification programme for training EEG Technicians in the areas we service. A Memorandum of Understanding will be in place for January that will help us collaborate to share resources and expertise. This is so very practical and will be hugely beneficial for developing staff in clinics, with future sustainability in mind.
- The Rotary Club of Darlington, facilitated by President Sue Campbell, has generously donated £1,500 to enable the purchase of an EEG machine to open a new clinic and with which we have planned a further visit to Zambia in April where another 2 clinics are scheduled to be opened. We look forward to hearing all about that then.
- The ROW Foundation extended further support to us this quarter by facilitating a ‘Show & Tell’ Team Briefing with their partner social enterprise OWP Pharmaceuticals to actively support us and share knowledge. Last year the ROW Foundation gifted $4 million in Anti Epilepsy Drugs (AED’s) to their rest of world (ROW) projects.
- A recent submission of grant funding application to the UK AID DIRECT Small Charities Challenge Fund was made as we continue to search for more ways to help fund the set-up of new TeleEEG clinics ongoing.
- We are currently planning for next prospective clinics to be enabled in Trinidad and Tobago, as well as St Vincent and the Grenadines both of which look set to be organised early next year.
- We are currently testing new patient record management software, as our volume of cases continues to increase so too has the technological and communications infrastructure needed to support them (and us!). We aim soon to trial the latest version 3.0 of the Lifelines iEEG Platform which we hope to take first to Swaziland as a pilot then to the rest of the world clinics.
Any suggestions or questions you may have in relation to any of the above, please feel free to contact us.