Our intrepid team has just returned from a mammoth effort enabling not one but three clinics in Bolivia for the benefit of patients living in the epilepsy treatment gap there. This occurs when there are not enough resources locally, be that medical specialists, equipment or other resources, and so patients are unable to access the essential diagnosis that leads to proper treatment of epilepsy.
With gifts of specialist time, equipment and funding, charitable donations from partners including ROW Foundation, TeleEEG has provided EEG medical devices, computer equipment, training and onboarding to TeleEEG remote epilepsy diagnosis support for the Hospital Santa Bárbara in Sucre, the Hospital de Ninos “Dr. Mario Ortiz Suarez” and the Hospital de Ninos de Santa Cruz.
Read more on the trip from our partners at Solidarity Bridge who have seemlessly helped faciliate the visit https://www.solidaritybridge.org/…/epilepsy-care-in…
Photo(c) courtesty of Solidarity Bridge. Pictured: Santa Barbara Hospital director Dr. Sandro Gareca (in white coat), and Anne Clarke and Dr. Steve Coates of TeleEEG (right), with physicians and other staff participating in a demonstration of EEG equipment donated to the hospital’s neurology service. #teleeeg#epilepsy#telemedicine